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422 lines
Short: The Ultimate GUI Enhancement System, V3!
Author: dream@step.polymtl.ca, vedovatt@u.washington.edu
Uploader: Phil Vedovatti (vedovatt@u.washington.edu)
Version: 3.0
Type: util/wb
Replaces: util/wb/NewIconsV2.lha, util/wb/NewIconsV2Lite.lha
N E W I C O N S V 3!
NewIcons is a revolutionary system patch which enhances your Workbench
and gives the user much more power and configurability over the
appearance of the GUI (Graphical User Interface). The NewIcons
system works transparently, and provides for a standard icon system
that will look the same on any system, no matter what the palette is
set to.
DefIcons complements the Newicons system. It works by
recognizing a file's type, and instantly displaying the appropriate
icon image for files without icons attached to them.
The system's features include:
· Allows up to 256 color icons on an AGA machine. (!)
· Icon colors are color correct on an AGA system no matter what your
palette is set to. They automatically appear in perfect color.
· Default icons for dozens of file types automatically appear for
files without icons (FAST!). Recognizes file types in a very
efficient manner. If you click on a "fake" icon, your appropriate
user-defined default tool will appear in the "Execute command" text
field automatically!
· Make a brush, convert it to an icon. It will appear on your workbench
in the exact proper colors you created it in, no matter what your
palette is set to. Imagine making gorgeous icons from your digitized
pics, in more than 16 colors!
· Icon images are compressed to maximize disk space. They are
uncompressed faster than you can say "NewIcons"!
· Also KS 2.04 compatible (16 color icon limitation).
· Fix that ugly Cross-DOS icon to look like a standard NewIcon.
· Unique icons for RAM-Disks and CD-ROM's that don't have icons.
· A complete set of beautiful, standardized Workbench icons, drawn by
artist Roger McVey.
· Comprehensive set of utilities to allow you to manipulate your
· FREEWARE! Why would anyone want to pay cash for icons?
· Dithering of icon images is selectable for users with fewer available
Workbench colors. This is turned off by default.
· Icons can be given a single tooltype, which will tell NewIcons to display
a NewIcon image from elsewhere on the system. This feature
has some caveats, but introduces a huge number of neat possibilities
for configuring your Workbench, and saves on disk space and chip RAM.
Imagine having your Workbench icons appear randomly different on EACH
· The source for deficons.prefs has been included, so any enterprising
programmer can add their own file identification types to the system!
What's New?
· NEW! User configurable, GUI enhanced Preferences program to configure all
attributes of the NewIcons system (dither, pen precision, etc.)
· NEW! The NewIcons system is now a commodity, which can be enabled and
disabled on the fly, using Commodities Exchange.
· NEW! RTG (ReTargetable Graphics) mode, which allows graphics card users
to store icon data in fast RAM instead of chip RAM. This has the
advantage of saving your valuable chip RAM for other uses, and speeds
up rendering of icons on the Workbench.
· NEW! Borderblank option! Remember the Kickstart 1.3 days when there
were no gray border boxes around the icons? This new option removes
those silly looking boxes once again, and is user configurable.
· NEW! Faster icon rendering routines should speed things up even more.
· NEW! Optimized newicon.library for '020+ machines. ZOOOM!
· NEW! New DefIcons brainfile which recognizes many more file types,
including .lzx, .png, and much more.
See the enclosed documentation for more information.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
2238 1344 39.9% 28-Jul-96 21:35:04 NewIconsV3.info
6512 3848 40.9% 14-Jul-96 15:46:14 +DefIcons
3372 2333 30.8% 14-Jul-96 15:36:02 +InjectBrush
14072 5894 58.1% 10-Jul-96 23:07:38 +NewIcons
568 387 31.8% 14-Jul-96 15:36:20 +PatchOpenWB
2168 1169 46.0% 14-Jul-96 19:39:32 +deficons.prefs
1503 979 34.8% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +crossmac_def_disk.info
1551 1080 30.3% 29-Jul-96 01:49:22 +def_8svx.info
1524 974 36.0% 29-Jul-96 01:49:24 +def_amigaguide.info
1701 1058 37.8% 29-Jul-96 01:49:16 +def_ANIM.info
1461 940 35.6% 29-Jul-96 01:49:30 +def_archive.info
1347 847 37.1% 29-Jul-96 01:49:30 +def_ascii.info
1502 869 42.1% 29-Jul-96 01:49:30 +def_asm.info
1701 1055 37.9% 29-Jul-96 01:49:28 +def_AVI.info
1419 906 36.1% 29-Jul-96 01:49:28 +def_basic.info
1581 804 49.1% 29-Jul-96 01:49:28 +def_bmp.info
1290 870 32.5% 29-Jul-96 01:49:38 +def_brush.info
879 646 26.5% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_BUSYdisk.info
1303 825 36.6% 29-Jul-96 01:49:38 +def_c.info
1303 825 36.6% 29-Jul-96 01:49:36 +def_cpp.info
1230 681 44.6% 29-Jul-96 01:49:36 +def_CTLG.info
1458 1088 25.3% 29-Jul-96 01:49:36 +def_data.info
1264 978 22.6% 29-Jul-96 01:49:36 +def_device.info
1505 757 49.7% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_disk.info
1526 1064 30.2% 29-Jul-96 01:49:36 +def_diskarchive.info
1457 1038 28.7% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_dms.info
1154 761 34.0% 15-Jul-96 03:32:04 +def_Doc.info
1352 713 47.2% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_drawer.info
1664 1220 26.6% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_DTYP.info
1303 816 37.3% 15-Jul-96 03:32:24 +def_e.info
1821 1176 35.4% 15-Jul-96 03:32:40 +def_email.info
269 203 24.5% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_empty.info
1219 920 24.5% 15-Jul-96 03:32:56 +def_fax.info
1339 945 29.4% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_filearchive.info
1680 1143 31.9% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_filesystem.info
1638 1058 35.4% 15-Jul-96 03:33:12 +def_FLIC.info
1334 802 39.8% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_font.info
1154 762 33.9% 15-Jul-96 03:33:30 +def_FTXT.info
1575 802 49.0% 15-Jul-96 03:33:38 +def_gif.info
1275 897 29.6% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_h.info
1439 1001 30.4% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_handler.info
1219 810 33.5% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_i.info
1102 619 43.8% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_iff.info
1565 798 49.0% 15-Jul-96 03:34:12 +def_ILBM.info
1195 948 20.6% 15-Jul-96 03:34:18 +def_install.info
1584 808 48.9% 15-Jul-96 03:35:10 +def_jpeg.info
699 468 33.0% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_key.info
1466 968 33.9% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_keymap.info
855 563 34.1% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_kick.info
1551 1101 29.0% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_kickstart.info
1884 959 49.0% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_kingcon.info
1393 925 33.5% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_lharc.info
1256 886 29.4% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_lib.info
1256 887 29.3% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_library.info
869 646 25.6% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_loadmodule.info
1852 997 46.1% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_lzx.info
1303 823 36.8% 15-Jul-96 03:35:44 +def_m.info
1790 1311 26.7% 15-Jul-96 03:36:10 +def_midi.info
1808 1149 36.4% 15-Jul-96 03:36:12 +def_mountlist.info
1636 1184 27.6% 15-Jul-96 03:36:18 +def_mp2.info
1642 1064 35.2% 15-Jul-96 03:36:24 +def_MPEG.info
1497 734 50.9% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_MSD0Disk.info
1595 1224 23.2% 15-Jul-96 03:36:34 +def_music.info
1285 951 25.9% 15-Jul-96 03:36:52 +def_news.info
1012 671 33.6% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_object.info
1065 693 34.9% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_outlinefont.info
1585 818 48.3% 15-Jul-96 03:37:06 +def_pcx.info
1229 692 43.6% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_PFS0Disk.info
1396 1024 26.6% 15-Jul-96 03:37:20 +def_picture.info
1587 812 48.8% 15-Jul-96 03:37:26 +def_png.info
1664 879 47.1% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_postscript.info
1338 1009 24.5% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_PREF.info
1429 993 30.5% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_printer.info
1390 1075 22.6% 15-Jul-96 03:38:02 +def_project.info
1635 1032 36.8% 15-Jul-96 03:38:06 +def_QuickTime.info
1188 742 37.5% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_RADDisk.info
1012 676 33.2% 15-Jul-96 03:38:26 +def_res.info
1690 1202 28.8% 15-Jul-96 03:38:30 +def_rexx.info
1574 859 45.4% 15-Jul-96 03:38:32 +def_script.info
1495 1065 28.7% 15-Jul-96 03:38:42 +def_Sound.info
892 621 30.3% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_src.info
1651 1198 27.4% 15-Jul-96 03:39:00 +def_SunAU.info
1413 878 37.8% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_tex.info
1515 807 46.7% 15-Jul-96 03:39:08 +def_tiff.info
1007 662 34.2% 15-Jul-96 03:39:12 +def_tool.info
1038 616 40.6% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_trashcan.info
1657 1102 33.4% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_uuencode.info
1437 993 30.8% 15-Jul-96 03:39:34 +def_Video.info
1642 1194 27.2% 15-Jul-96 03:39:42 +def_WAV.info
1773 953 46.2% 24-May-96 21:41:16 +def_zip.info
2121 1080 49.0% 29-Jul-96 00:03:26 +Extras.info
2112 1026 51.4% 29-Jul-96 00:04:46 +BUILDING_BLOCKS.info
1322 698 47.2% 08-Jan-96 20:43:52 +computer
1290 869 32.6% 02-Feb-96 22:14:34 +computer.info
1322 507 61.6% 08-Jan-96 20:43:52 +computer2
1290 869 32.6% 02-Feb-96 22:14:30 +computer2.info
1322 324 75.4% 08-Jan-96 20:43:50 +dtriangle
1322 336 74.5% 08-Jan-96 20:43:50 +dtriangle.hi
1290 870 32.5% 02-Feb-96 22:14:32 +dtriangle.hi.info
1290 867 32.7% 02-Feb-96 22:14:30 +dtriangle.info
1322 462 65.0% 08-Jan-96 20:43:50 +fanfold
1322 614 53.5% 08-Jan-96 20:43:50 +fanfold.hi
1290 869 32.6% 02-Feb-96 22:14:32 +fanfold.hi.info
1290 869 32.6% 02-Feb-96 22:14:32 +fanfold.info
1322 584 55.8% 08-Jan-96 20:43:50 +monitor
1290 869 32.6% 02-Feb-96 22:14:32 +monitor.info
1136 281 75.2% 08-Jan-96 20:43:50 +mouse1
1290 869 32.6% 02-Feb-96 22:14:32 +mouse1.info
1136 265 76.6% 08-Jan-96 20:43:50 +platform
1290 869 32.6% 02-Feb-96 22:14:32 +platform.info
288 191 33.6% 08-Jan-96 20:43:50 +pointinghand
1290 869 32.6% 02-Feb-96 22:14:34 +pointinghand.info
1136 468 58.8% 08-Jan-96 20:43:50 +printer
1136 507 55.3% 08-Jan-96 20:43:50 +printer.hi
1290 869 32.6% 02-Feb-96 22:14:34 +printer.hi.info
1290 869 32.6% 02-Feb-96 22:14:34 +printer.info
1136 297 73.8% 08-Jan-96 20:43:50 +questionmark
1136 297 73.8% 08-Jan-96 20:43:50 +questionmark.hi
1290 869 32.6% 02-Feb-96 22:14:34 +questionmark.hi.info
1290 869 32.6% 02-Feb-96 22:14:34 +questionmark.info
2143 1115 47.9% 29-Jul-96 00:35:48 +include.info
2139 1202 43.8% 29-Jul-96 00:33:58 +clib.info
720 281 60.9% 08-Jan-96 20:43:52 +newicon_protos.h
2139 1193 44.2% 29-Jul-96 00:34:04 +Emodules.info
598 339 43.3% 17-Jul-96 00:28:32 +newicon.m
161 97 39.7% 17-Jul-96 00:28:14 +newicon.m
2139 1199 43.9% 29-Jul-96 00:33:58 +libraries.info
2910 1192 59.0% 07-Jul-96 02:58:00 +newicon.h
2139 1199 43.9% 29-Jul-96 00:33:58 +pragmas.info
418 137 67.2% 08-Jan-96 20:43:52 +newicon_pragmas.h
2139 1199 43.9% 29-Jul-96 00:34:00 +proto.info
190 127 33.1% 08-Jan-96 20:43:52 +newicon.h
1924 1151 40.1% 04-Feb-96 20:34:42 +KillOldIcon.info
4044 2187 45.9% 08-Jan-96 20:43:50 +BGUI_KillOldIcon
2188 1353 38.1% 02-Feb-96 22:10:54 +BGUI_KillOldIcon.info
1872 1215 35.0% 08-Jan-96 20:43:48 +KillOldIcon
3410 1518 55.4% 08-Jan-96 20:43:48 +KillOldIcon.doc
1499 931 37.8% 02-Feb-96 22:11:02 +KillOldIcon.doc.info
2188 1357 37.9% 02-Feb-96 22:10:54 +KillOldIcon.info
112 102 8.9% 08-Jan-96 20:43:52 +Palette2.0.pre
1696 1186 30.0% 04-Feb-96 20:39:32 +Palette2.0.pre.info
434 112 74.1% 08-Jan-96 20:43:52 +Palette3.0.preset
1711 1193 30.2% 04-Feb-96 20:39:32 +Palette3.0.preset.info
1911 1224 35.9% 29-Jul-96 00:35:52 +src.info
1162 585 49.6% 08-Jan-96 20:43:52 +deficons.i
8692 1910 78.0% 08-Jan-96 20:43:52 +deficonsprefs.a
2154 1273 40.9% 29-Jul-96 00:02:52 +Icons.info
2155 1244 42.2% 04-Feb-96 20:41:08 +Devs.info
2119 1209 42.9% 28-Jul-96 23:52:28 +DataTypes.info
2004 1460 27.1% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +Datatype.info
2116 1276 39.6% 28-Jul-96 23:52:46 +DOSDrivers.info
0 0 0.0% 30-Jul-96 02:39:58 +
1740 879 49.4% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +DF0.info
0 0 0.0% 30-Jul-96 02:39:58 +
1740 872 49.8% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +DF1.info
0 0 0.0% 30-Jul-96 02:39:58 +
1740 883 49.2% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +DF2.info
2148 1335 37.8% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +DosDriver.info
2068 1055 48.9% 28-Jul-96 23:52:54 +Keymaps.info
1796 1192 33.6% 08-Jan-96 20:43:42 +keymap.info
2162 1129 47.7% 28-Jul-96 23:56:28 +Monitors.info
1707 1044 38.8% 08-Jan-96 20:43:42 +Monitor.info
2165 1099 49.2% 28-Jul-96 23:55:00 +Printers.info
1769 1180 33.2% 24-Jan-96 23:40:02 +Printer.info
2180 1147 47.3% 28-Jul-96 23:53:22 +Disks.info
1034 607 41.2% 02-Feb-96 22:25:02 +Backup.info
1187 654 44.9% 02-Feb-96 22:25:02 +cartridge_angolo_alto_des.info
1225 833 32.0% 02-Feb-96 22:25:02 +cd-rom.info
1468 1029 29.9% 02-Feb-96 22:25:04 +CDDA.info
1409 675 52.0% 02-Feb-96 22:25:04 +floppy.info
1303 869 33.3% 02-Feb-96 22:25:04 +harddisk.info
1612 916 43.1% 04-Feb-96 20:33:18 +HD.info
1186 612 48.3% 29-Jul-96 01:15:46 +HD2.info
1126 645 42.7% 29-Jul-96 01:15:48 +Mac.info
1723 654 62.0% 04-Feb-96 20:33:18 +MAC0.info
1266 895 29.3% 02-Feb-96 22:25:02 +magnetooptical.info
1401 658 53.0% 02-Feb-96 22:25:04 +ms-dos.info
968 692 28.5% 04-Feb-96 20:33:18 +Ram 1.info
879 527 40.0% 02-Feb-96 22:25:04 +ram.info
1063 712 33.0% 29-Jul-96 01:15:48 +Ram2.info
1122 800 28.6% 02-Feb-96 22:25:04 +syquest.info
0 0 0.0% 30-Jul-96 02:39:58 +
2149 1104 48.6% 28-Jul-96 23:39:24 +Expansion.info
0 0 0.0% 30-Jul-96 02:39:58 +
2131 1119 47.4% 28-Jul-96 23:50:46 +Locale.info
1836 1020 44.4% 28-Jul-96 23:49:18 +Misc.info
1405 955 32.0% 08-Jan-96 20:43:42 +Calendar.info
1431 1060 25.9% 08-Jan-96 20:43:42 +Colors.info
1591 1085 31.8% 08-Jan-96 20:43:42 +DirUtil.info
1589 1128 29.0% 08-Jan-96 20:43:40 +DiskEditor.info
1042 782 24.9% 08-Jan-96 20:43:40 +DiskOptimizer.info
1421 995 29.9% 08-Jan-96 20:43:40 +DiskSalv.info
1416 768 45.7% 08-Jan-96 20:43:40 +Draw.info
1217 798 34.4% 08-Jan-96 20:43:40 +Packer.info
1505 1049 30.2% 08-Jan-96 20:43:40 +Paint.info
1224 811 33.7% 08-Jan-96 20:43:40 +PowerPacker.info
1353 922 31.8% 08-Jan-96 20:43:40 +Projector.info
1449 624 56.9% 08-Jan-96 20:43:40 +Speed.info
1390 1026 26.1% 08-Jan-96 20:43:40 +Term.info
2141 1250 41.6% 04-Feb-96 20:41:08 +Prefs.info
1633 1129 30.8% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +Font.info
1699 977 42.4% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +IControl.info
1595 1055 33.8% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +Input.info
1490 941 36.8% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +Locale.info
1718 1117 34.9% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +Overscan.info
1531 1105 27.8% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +Palette.info
1092 794 27.2% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +Pointer.info
1550 973 37.2% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +Printer.info
1555 1099 29.3% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +PrinterGfx.info
1570 1004 36.0% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +PrinterPS.info
1644 1001 39.1% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +ScreenMode.info
1355 923 31.8% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +Serial.info
1689 1113 34.1% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +Sound.info
1506 989 34.3% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +Time.info
1713 1207 29.5% 08-Jan-96 20:43:44 +WBPattern.info
2116 1156 45.3% 28-Jul-96 23:49:54 +Storage.info
0 0 0.0% 30-Jul-96 02:40:00 +
2119 1210 42.8% 28-Jul-96 23:57:00 +Datatypes.info
0 0 0.0% 30-Jul-96 02:40:00 +
2116 1271 39.9% 28-Jul-96 23:57:10 +DosDrivers.info
0 0 0.0% 30-Jul-96 02:40:00 +
2068 1052 49.1% 28-Jul-96 23:57:18 +Keymaps.info
0 0 0.0% 30-Jul-96 02:40:00 +
2162 1129 47.7% 28-Jul-96 23:57:06 +Monitors.info
0 0 0.0% 30-Jul-96 02:40:00 +
2165 1101 49.1% 28-Jul-96 23:57:14 +Printers.info
2109 1092 48.2% 28-Jul-96 23:40:30 +System.info
990 683 31.0% 08-Jan-96 20:43:46 +FixFonts.info
1405 842 40.0% 08-Jan-96 20:43:46 +Format.info
1398 1122 19.7% 08-Jan-96 20:43:46 +Fountain.info
1113 775 30.3% 08-Jan-96 20:43:46 +Intellifont.info
1282 915 28.6% 08-Jan-96 20:43:46 +NoFastMem.info
1561 1149 26.3% 08-Jan-96 20:43:46 +RexxMast.info
905 653 27.8% 08-Jan-96 20:43:46 +Shell.info
2099 1119 46.6% 28-Jul-96 23:48:52 +Tools.info
1219 748 38.6% 08-Jan-96 20:43:48 +Calculator.info
1205 891 26.0% 08-Jan-96 20:43:48 +CMD.info
1431 1056 26.2% 08-Jan-96 20:43:48 +Colors.info
1988 1212 39.0% 08-Jan-96 20:43:46 +Commodities.info
1625 1112 31.5% 08-Jan-96 20:43:48 +Autopoint.info
1635 1145 29.9% 08-Jan-96 20:43:48 +Blanker.info
1590 1026 35.4% 08-Jan-96 20:43:48 +Exchange.info
1415 885 37.4% 08-Jan-96 20:43:48 +FKey.info
1113 754 32.2% 08-Jan-96 20:43:48 +MouseBlanker.info
1588 1106 30.3% 08-Jan-96 20:43:48 +NoCapsLock.info
1493 966 35.2% 08-Jan-96 20:43:48 +GraphicDump.info
1460 1020 30.1% 08-Jan-96 20:43:48 +HDToolBox.info
1038 673 35.1% 08-Jan-96 20:43:48 +IconEdit.info
1225 940 23.2% 08-Jan-96 20:43:48 +InitPrinter.info
1355 801 40.8% 08-Jan-96 20:43:48 +KeyShow.info
1154 747 35.2% 08-Jan-96 20:43:46 +Lacer.info
1299 896 31.0% 08-Jan-96 20:43:46 +MEmacs.info
1199 781 34.8% 08-Jan-96 20:43:46 +PrepCard.info
1502 1021 32.0% 08-Jan-96 20:43:46 +PrintFiles.info
1418 1056 25.5% 08-Jan-96 20:43:46 +ShowConfig.info
0 0 0.0% 30-Jul-96 02:40:02 +
2519 1307 48.1% 04-Feb-96 20:41:08 +Trashcan.info
2172 1277 41.2% 28-Jul-96 23:39:46 +Utilities.info
1432 936 34.6% 08-Jan-96 20:43:46 +AmigaGuide.info
1263 828 34.4% 08-Jan-96 20:43:46 +Clock.info
1902 1328 30.1% 08-Jan-96 20:43:46 +MultiView.info
0 0 0.0% 30-Jul-96 02:40:02 +
2157 1198 44.4% 28-Jul-96 23:39:32 +WBStartup.info
2126 1151 45.8% 30-Jul-96 02:40:56 +Install.info
1008 710 29.5% 07-May-96 23:18:46 +CheckAssign
9368 5296 43.4% 17-Jun-96 02:00:12 +button.gadget
5768 3705 35.7% 07-May-96 23:18:24 +checkbox.gadget
10380 6319 39.1% 29-Jun-96 18:14:36 +chooser.gadget
9344 5171 44.6% 18-Jun-96 23:57:26 +integer.gadget
20072 11121 44.5% 29-Jun-96 18:14:38 +layout.gadget
17428 9736 44.1% 13-Jun-96 02:48:14 +layout.gadget.020
11072 5856 47.1% 29-Jun-96 18:15:00 +bevel.image
3576 1967 44.9% 29-Jun-96 18:15:24 +drawlist.image
7468 3400 54.4% 29-Jun-96 18:15:24 +glyph.image
7056 4326 38.6% 29-Jun-96 18:15:24 +label.image
4360 2887 33.7% 03-Jul-96 00:07:56 +penmap.image
24740 13096 47.0% 17-Jun-96 15:16:00 +window.class
1832 402 78.0% 14-Jul-96 22:14:08 +Install_Icons
18445 5189 71.8% 14-Jul-96 21:43:34 +Install_NewIcons
2011 1135 43.5% 30-Jul-96 02:40:50 +Install_NewIcons.info
19442 5630 71.0% 28-Jul-96 22:21:28 +Install_NewIcons_deu
2032 1155 43.1% 30-Jul-96 02:40:50 +Install_NewIcons_deu.info
19166 5488 71.3% 28-Jul-96 22:29:46 +Install_NewIcons_fra
2033 1155 43.1% 30-Jul-96 02:40:50 +Install_NewIcons_fra.info
19624 5537 71.7% 28-Jul-96 22:50:26 +Install_NewIcons_ita
2033 1152 43.3% 30-Jul-96 02:40:50 +Install_NewIcons_ita.info
18524 5339 71.1% 28-Jul-96 23:32:10 +Install_NewIcons_swe
2032 1152 43.3% 30-Jul-96 02:40:50 +Install_NewIcons_swe.info
580 445 23.2% 14-Jul-96 20:36:56 +isnirunning
3220 1879 41.6% 15-May-96 05:10:12 +caprefs
32392 10515 67.5% 15-May-96 05:10:08 +ClassAct
3152 2186 30.6% 15-Jul-96 04:16:10 +ClassAct.info
2190 577 73.6% 15-Jul-96 04:02:18 +Uninstall_Icons
17450 4937 71.7% 14-Jul-96 21:57:48 +Update_NewIcons
2011 1138 43.4% 30-Jul-96 02:40:50 +Update_NewIcons.info
6528 3829 41.3% 10-Jul-96 23:09:58 +newicon.library
5332 3292 38.2% 01-Jul-96 22:26:04 +newicon.library
52928 19912 62.3% 29-Jul-96 01:44:04 +NewIcons.guide
1796 1127 37.2% 15-Jul-96 04:39:12 +NewIcons.guide.info
2141 1248 41.7% 15-Jul-96 04:04:26 +prefs.info
18468 4674 74.6% 17-Jul-96 02:00:38 +newiconsprefs
1970 1311 33.4% 15-Jul-96 04:41:08 +NewIconsPrefs.info
155248 119842 22.8% 16-Jul-96 02:29:26 +Preview.IFF
1837 946 48.5% 15-Jul-96 04:40:00 +Preview.iff.info
725 377 48.0% 15-Jul-96 03:48:54 +Readme!
1499 932 37.8% 15-Jul-96 03:57:16 +Readme!.info
2172 1281 41.0% 29-Jul-96 00:02:24 +Utilities.info
980 742 24.2% 14-Jul-96 15:38:40 +CopyNewIcon
1652 1087 34.2% 15-Jul-96 04:40:32 +CopyNewIcon.info
952 711 25.3% 14-Jul-96 15:38:56 +CreateDefaultIcon
1542 993 35.6% 15-Jul-96 04:40:30 +CreateDefaultIcon.info
884 669 24.3% 14-Jul-96 15:39:16 +KillNewIcon
1589 1055 33.6% 15-Jul-96 04:40:30 +KillNewIcon.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
962144 532710 44.6% 30-Jul-96 18:45:04 313 files